Batas Data base di Ms.Acces

on Monday, January 05, 2009

Salam hangat,

Pada kesempatan ini, saya coba berbagi pengetahuan saja, karena hampir 2 minggu ini (setahun, karena dari 2008),bagian simulasi dalam tesis saya menggunakan VB dan Ms, Acces untuk mengkombinasikan penjumlahan data 32 bit. Setelah cukup membuat saya bingung, pusing dan nga-karuan, akhirnya masalah utama dapat ditemukan (semoga benar ini), yaitu pada batas kemampuan menyimpan data base di ms.acces hanya 2 Gb, detilnya sebagai berikut.

Attribute Maximum
Access database (.accdb) file size 2 gigabytes, minus the space needed for system objects

Note NOTE: Although the maximum size for a single database file is 2GB, you can work around this limitation by using a split database. A front-end database file can point to thousands of back-end database files, each of which could be as large as 2GB. For more information, see the topic, Split a database.
Number of objects in a database 32,768
Number of modules (including forms and reports that have the HasModule property set to True) 1,000
Number of characters in an object name 64
Number of characters in a password 20
Number of characters in a user name or group name 20
Number of concurrent users 255

Attribute Maximum
Number of characters in a table name 64
Number of characters in a field name 64
Number of fields in a table 255
Number of open tables 2048; the actual number might be smaller because of tables opened internally by Access
Table size 2 gigabyte minus the space needed for the system objects
Number of characters in a Text field 255
Number of characters in a Memo field 65,535 when entering data through the user interface;
2 gigabytes of character storage when entering data programmatically
Size of an OLE Object field 1 gigabyte
Number of indexes in a table 32
Number of fields in an index 10
Number of characters in a validation message 255
Number of characters in a validation rule 2,048
Number of characters in a table or field description 255
Number of characters in a record (excluding Memo and OLE Object fields) when the UnicodeCompression property of the fields is set to Yes 4,000
Number of characters in a field property setting 255

Data di atas , diambil dari sini atau bisa juga di sini.
Untuk mengantisipasi itu, dapat dilakukan dengan men-split data base, caranya:
>> Masuk ms.access, pilih data base tool, lalu split data base, dan ikuti instruksi selanjutnya.

Semoga ada manfaatnya.

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